Friday, March 16, 2012

Truffula's and Barbaloots

All hail, Dr. Seuss! My daughter was born on March 10th, so Saturday was her birthday. She is now 20, and is still in love with all things artistic or child-like...unless you ask her. She is away at college studying art education and hopes to eventually go into art therapy. And...she is currently in love with the Lorax. So...I was up to my elbows in frosting and cake Saturday morning (I am a procrastinator, lol). I came up with truffula tree cupcakes made with cotton candy tree tops on squiggly straws, stuck into brightly colored frosting swirled cupcakes, next to green cupcakes with barbaloots (chocolate teddy grahams) and marshmallows on them. It turned out great! I did get the barbaloot idea from Pinterest. I also made Barbaloot snack mix, which we then took with us to the theatre to go see The Lorax. Yes, I did say my daughter is 20. That's what I love about her! She let's me be mom once in a while still, and Saturday was one of those glorious days!